Modern Fit vs Classic Fit Trousers

The world of men’s fashion has evolved over the years. It ushered in a new era of modern fashion. What might be a common concern is going through your wardrobe and questioning whether or not something is still in style. 

One such evolving item is trousers. This guide will cover modern fit versus classic fit. Each has their own advantages, but one type might be the best option for you. 

You may be considering the idea of purchasing trousers, but feel stuck with so many options to choose from. This guide will get you unstuck going forward. So let’s get right to it. 

What makes modern fit trousers great? 

Modern fit trousers are considered one of the most versatile of its kind. This can be due to the fact that they provide you with everyday comfort along with a look that is tailored and well fit. Thus, you can wear such trousers in either a casual or professional setting. 

These types of trousers can still be stylish. What you may also notice is that the leg is narrower. Another thing worth noticing is that the rise is slightly lower than classic fit trousers. 

A good example of modern fit trousers are Berle’s Covert Twill Super 110s’s Stretch Wool trousers. If these are right up your alley, you could grab a pair of these the moment you finish reading this guide.  

What are the advantages of modern fit trousers 

So what exactly are the top advantages of the modern fit for trousers? Here are a few: 

  • Contemporary: The look is stylish and up-to-date. If you are someone who considers themselves “fashion forward”, a modern fit may be an excellent option. 
  • Versatile: You can wear these in almost any setting or occasion. Casual or professional - you can have a pair of these and not feel so out of place wearing them. 
  • Comfortable: The appearance is tailored. However, comfort is more prioritized so you can move around with ease each time you wear them. 

Modern fit trousers were designed to solve “classic problems”. One of the reasons why you can’t help but respect that kind of style even today. This isn’t to say that the timeless classics are a problem - but modern fit may be seen as an upgrade in terms of style. 

Exploring classic fit trousers 

Timeless classics are always a good fit (hence the name). They still hold relevance even today. You can still get them tailored to give off that classy look. 

One major difference compared to their modern fit counterpart is the way it sits. Classic fit trousers will sit slightly higher on the waist. Another is that it fits itself more in a professional or formal setting - meaning that it won’t be the best fit for casual purposes.  

Berle’s Super 130’s Tasmanian Gabardine trousers is an excellent example of classic fit trousers. Nonetheless, you can still get excellent comfort and a relaxed fit. You can still move around with ease without dealing with the feeling of being “squeezed”. 

What are the advantages of classic fit trousers? 

Now that you know about classic fit trousers, we can delve into the advantages. So here’s what they are: 

  • Comfortable: Without question, classic fit trousers provide a comfortable fit like no other. So a day at the office will feel slightly relaxing - even on a busy day. 
  • Timeless: Do you think classic fit is going out of style in the future? Not likely. These types of trousers exude sophistication and class. 
  • The proportions are balanced: When it comes to looking great no matter the body type, classic fit trousers could be the best option. Especially when the last thing you ever want to do is sacrifice comfort. 

Classic fit trousers still have the potential to maintain their popularity year after year. After all, there will be formal events to go to. There will be clients to impress at the office.  

The need to dress for success will still be there. Classic fit trousers will always be the fallback option if nothing else fits. You can take that to the bank. 

Final Thoughts 

If you are in search of versatility, but want something that’s up to date, modern fit is the best option. However, a classic fit will be best for a more polished look. Still on the fence? 

The good news is Berle has pants in both fits, giving you the chance to buy one of each pair. Try them out at the office or a casual setting and see which one gels with you the most. Check out what we have in our store today and see which options stand out.